Urmila’s story

Urmila and community DOT patientStaff from the Delhi DIVINE Project met Urmila, who owns a small shop in the Nathupura District of Delhi, while carrying out a survey to assess the local TB situation. Urmila helped them to get information about the area and introduced them to local members of the local community. This inspired Urmila to become a project volunteer and TB Alert India supported her to enrol for training under the national TB programme.

Since then, Urmila has made a huge contribution to efforts to tackle TB locally. She has organised 16 community meetings which have raised awareness of TB among local people. She has also provided TB medications and support through Directly Observed Treatment to 60 people throughout their recovery from TB.

TB patients who have been supported in this way find Urmila’s shop location and opening hours make it really convenient for them to get their treatment, and Urmila offers them support and encouragement to complete their full course of medication – they call her Urmila Didi (big sister).


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