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London Assembly review into Tuberculosis (TB) in London

The London Assembly Health Committee is seeking written submissions from stakeholders as part of its investigation into tuberculosis in London. London has amongst the highest incidence of TB disease in any western capital city, and almost 40 per cent of all UK cases occur in London. There are significant variations in the number of cases in different areas […]

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Urge your MP to endorse Barcelona Declaration to stop TB

The Stop TB Partnership is calling on Members of Parliament and elected officials to join the Global TB Caucus and sign the Barcelona Declaration, a call to action committing parliamentarians to take political leadership to secure an end to the tuberculosis epidemic within a generation. The Global TB Caucus will next meet in Cape Town […]

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Oxford Immunotec triathletes hope to triumph for TB Alert

The fabulous people at Oxford Immunotec are teaming up to compete in the Blenheim Palace Triathlon, on 13 June, to raise money for TB Alert. The competition will be intense. Not only will they be competing against other teams, they will be competing against each other too. Four teams of three will be put forward from Oxford Immuotec. […]

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New online tool to predict resistance to TB drugs

A free online research tool is now available to quickly identify which drugs could be used to treat a patient with tuberculosis (TB). The TB-Profiler tool, developed at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), analyses and interprets genome sequence data to predict resistance to 11 drugs used for the treatment of TB. […]

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Support for vulnerable patients

A study by TB Alert, on the needs of vulnerable patients during their TB treatment, has been published in the April 2015 Journal of Public Health. Abstract Despite well-established treatment regimens, tuberculosis (TB) remains a public health burden; it disproportionately affects poor and marginalized populations who may not have access to social support, including migrants, homeless […]

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TB and diabetes, experts warn of dual epidemic

One of the fastest emerging risk factors for TB is diabetes. Diabetes triples an individual’s risk of developing TB and makes TB diagnosis and treatment more difficult. Nearly 400 million people suffer from diabetes worldwide, this is expected to rise to nearly 592 million people by 2035 – a rapidly increasing number of whom live in developing countries where […]

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MDR-TB strain in circulation for 40 years

A new study, published in Nature Communications, has charted the rise of drug-resistant TB from the early days of antibiotic treatment to today’s looming public health emergency. The study reconstructs the timeline of antimicrobial resistance acquisition during an outbreak of multi drug-resistant TB in Argentina. The strain that was responsible was found to have developed resistance to isoniazid, […]

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BCG stocks prioritised during delivery delay

Priority for Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG) immunisation is to be given to children considered to be most at risk of tuberculosis, after Public Health England (PHE) announced delays in the supply line. New stocks of the vaccine are expected to be received at the end of May. BCG is a key part of the neonatal vaccination programme, and is […]

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TB Alert is recruiting: International Programme Officer

TB Alert is looking for an International Programme Officer to contribute to the development, management and monitoring of our projects in India and southern Africa, alongside our International Programme Director. We focus on: mobilising communities and building the capacity of local NGOs, communities and patient activists to raise awareness of TB and TB-HIV; increasing access to and […]

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