

Here’s how you can help us to save lives:

Text donate

Text TBAL14 £10 to 70070  and make a difference today.

This service is free on UK network providers and the £10 you donate will all come to us.

Donate online

You can make secure online donations through our partner JustGiving. This is the easiest way to make a one off payment by credit card, set up a regular direct debit and sign up to Gift Aid.

Donate with JustGiving

Donating regularly on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis is one of the very best ways in which you can support our work. It’s simple to set up, and the payments are collected automatically, helping us to cut our administration costs. A regular income stream from Direct Debit donations means that we can plan ahead with confidence, which will help us to save more lives.

Donate by post

If you prefer to donate by post, you can send cheques through to:

TB Alert
22 Tiverton Road
NW10 3HL

Please let us know your name and address so we know who to thank.

Gift Aid it: If you sign up for Gift Aid, we will be able to claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It won’t cost you any extra. All you need to do is complete and return the Gift Aid declaration along with your donation.